2024 New England Security EXPO Platinum Sponsors


2024 Chapter Event Schedule

Aug 7, 2024 Lunchtime Webinar: What is DCIS and How Do We Work Together?
Sep 11, 2024 Lunch Meeting: Event & Stadium Security
11 am- 1pm  TD Garden. The session will include a behind the scenes tour of the Garden. Registration will be limited and registration will be posted in the next few weeks.
Oct 8-10, 2024 Certification Review Course: CPP, PCI, APP (Stay tuned for registration)
ASIS Boston will be hosting our annual CPP Review Course from Oct 8-10 ( full day sessions: Tues-Thurs). Attendees will also be able to join the virtual follow up sessions hosted on Oct 14 and 28th from 6:30-8pm EST (both Monday). These virtual sessions will be hosted via Microsoft Teams.