2024 New England Security EXPO Platinum Sponsors

Registration for the
"; $cur++; $data['rg_fname'] = $_REQUEST[$fname]; $data['rg_lname'] = $_REQUEST[$lname]; $data['rg_org'] = $_REQUEST[$org]; $data['r_id'] = $_REQUEST['registrantid']; $data['ge_id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; add_record(golf_registrantsguests,$data); } } else if ($_REQUEST['signuptype'] == 2) { // echo $_REQUEST['numplayers']." foursomes found
"; $curfoursome = 1; while ($curfoursome <= $_REQUEST['numplayers']) { $cur = 1; while ($cur <= 4) { $fname = "fname".$curfoursome."_".$cur; $lname = "lname".$curfoursome."_".$cur; $org = "organization".$curfoursome."_".$cur; // Debug Stuff // echo $fname; // echo "-".$_REQUEST[$fname]." ".$_REQUEST[$lname]." ".$_REQUEST[$org]."
"; $data['rg_fname'] = $_REQUEST[$fname]; $data['rg_lname'] = $_REQUEST[$lname]; $data['rg_org'] = $_REQUEST[$org]; $data['r_id'] = $_REQUEST['registrantid']; $data['rg_foursomeid'] = $curfoursome; $data['ge_id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; add_record(golf_registrantsguests,$data); $cur++; } $curfoursome++; } } else if ($_REQUEST['signuptype'] == 3) { // echo $_REQUEST['numplayers']." foursomes found
"; $curfoursome = 1; while ($curfoursome <= $_REQUEST['numplayers']) { $cur = 1; while ($cur <= 4) { $fname = "fname".$curfoursome."_".$cur; $lname = "lname".$curfoursome."_".$cur; $org = "organization".$curfoursome."_".$cur; // Debug Stuff // echo $fname; // echo "-".$_REQUEST[$fname]." ".$_REQUEST[$lname]." ".$_REQUEST[$org]."
"; $data['rg_fname'] = $_REQUEST[$fname]; $data['rg_lname'] = $_REQUEST[$lname]; $data['rg_org'] = $_REQUEST[$org]; $data['r_id'] = $_REQUEST['registrantid']; $data['rg_foursomeid'] = $curfoursome; $data['ge_id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; add_record(golf_registrantsguests,$data); $cur++; } $curfoursome++; } } else if ($_REQUEST['signuptype'] == 4) { $cur = 1; while ($cur <= $_REQUEST['numplayers']) { $fname = "fname".$cur; $lname = "lname".$cur; $org = "organization".$cur; //echo $_REQUEST[$fname]." ".$_REQUEST[$lname]." ".$_REQUEST[$org]."
"; $cur++; $data['rg_fname'] = $_REQUEST[$fname]; $data['rg_lname'] = $_REQUEST[$lname]; $data['rg_org'] = $_REQUEST[$org]; $data['r_id'] = $_REQUEST['registrantid']; $data['ge_id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; add_record(golf_registrantsguests,$data); } } else if ($_REQUEST['signuptype'] == 5) { $cur = 1; while ($cur <= $_REQUEST['numplayers']) { $fname = "fname".$cur; $lname = "lname".$cur; $org = "organization".$cur; //echo $_REQUEST[$fname]." ".$_REQUEST[$lname]." ".$_REQUEST[$org]."
"; $cur++; $data['rg_fname'] = $_REQUEST[$fname]; $data['rg_lname'] = $_REQUEST[$lname]; $data['rg_org'] = $_REQUEST[$org]; $data['r_id'] = $_REQUEST['registrantid']; $data['ge_id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; add_record(golf_registrantsguests,$data); } } // Now get the registrant info: $rq = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM golf_registrants WHERE r_id = '$_REQUEST[registrantid]' "); $rinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($rq); // Add registrant to the guest list /*$datar['r_id'] = $_REQUEST['registrantid']; $datar['rg_fname'] = $rinfo['r_fname']; $datar['rg_lname'] = $rinfo['r_lname']; $datar['rg_org'] = $rinfo['r_organization']; add_record(golf_registrantsguests,$datar); */ // Figure out cost $total = 0; $desc = ""; $uq = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM golf_registrants WHERE r_id = '$_REQUEST[registrantid]' "); $uinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($uq); if ($uinfo['r_playeroptions'] == 1) { $num = $uinfo['r_playernum']; $subtotal = $num * 130; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $num." x Single Player
"; } else if ($uinfo['r_playeroptions'] == 2) { $num = $uinfo['r_playernum']; $subtotal = $num * 500; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $num." x Foursomes
"; } else if ($uinfo['r_playeroptions'] == 3) { $num = $uinfo['r_playernum']; $subtotal = $num * 625; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $num." x Foursomes w/Hole Sponsorship
"; } else if ($uinfo['r_playeroptions'] == 4) { $num = 1; $subtotal = $num * 60; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $num." x Lesson and Lunch
"; } else if ($uinfo['r_playeroptions'] == 5) { $num = 1; $subtotal = $num * 35; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $num." x Lunch Only
"; } // Check for sponsorship and add to total if there is any if ($uinfo['r_sponsorship'] == 1) { $snum = $uinfo['r_numsponsorship']; $subtotal = $snum * 150; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $snum." x Hole Sponsorship
"; } if ($uinfo['r_sponsorship'] == 2) { $snum = $uinfo['r_numsponsorship']; $subtotal = $snum * 250; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $snum." x Gift Bag Sponsorship
"; } if ($uinfo['r_sponsorship'] == 3) { $snum = $uinfo['r_numsponsorship']; $subtotal = $snum * 250; $total = $total + $subtotal; $desc .= $snum." x Breakfast/Lunch Sponsorship
"; } # if ($uinfo['r_sponsorship'] == 4) { # $snum = $uinfo['r_numsponsorship']; # $subtotal = $snum * 250; # $total = $total + $subtotal; # $desc .= $snum." x Breakfast Sponsorship
"; # } // Add notes & cost & desc $datarr['r_notes'] = $_REQUEST['r_notes']; $datarr['r_cost'] = $total; $datarr['r_desc'] = $desc; $where = "r_id = ".$_REQUEST['registrantid']; modify_record(golf_registrants,$datarr,$where); ?> Please review your registration details below:

Total Cost: $
Your Name:
Items Purchased:
$value ) { // Debug Code - Dump the variables. if (($key == "step2") || ($key == "r_playernum") || ($key == "r_playernum2") || ($key == "r_playernum3") || ($key == "r_numsponsorship") || ($key == "r_sponsorship")) { } else { $data[$key] = $value; //print $key . " " . "=" . " " . $value."
"; } // Get player stats if ($_REQUEST['r_playeroptions'] == 1) { $data['r_playernum'] = $_REQUEST['r_playernum']; } else if ($_REQUEST['r_playeroptions'] == 2) { $data['r_playernum'] = $_REQUEST['r_playernum2']; } else if ($_REQUEST['r_playeroptions'] == 3) { $data['r_playernum'] = $_REQUEST['r_playernum3']; } else if ($_REQUEST['r_playeroptions'] == 4) { $data['r_playernum'] = $_REQUEST['r_playernum4']; } else if ($_REQUEST['r_playeroptions'] == 5) { $data['r_playernum'] = $_REQUEST['r_playernum5']; } } // Event ID $data['r_geid'] = $_REQUEST['id']; //var_dump($data); // Sponsorship stuff if ($_REQUEST['r_sponsorship'] == 1) { $data['r_sponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_sponsorship']; $data['r_numsponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_numsponsorship']; } if ($_REQUEST['r_sponsorship'] == 2) { $data['r_sponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_sponsorship']; $data['r_numsponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_numsponsorship']; } if ($_REQUEST['r_sponsorship'] == 3) { $data['r_sponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_sponsorship']; $data['r_numsponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_numsponsorship']; } if ($_REQUEST['r_sponsorship'] == 4) { $data['r_sponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_sponsorship']; $data['r_numsponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_numsponsorship']; } if ($_REQUEST['r_sponsorship'] == 6) { $data['r_sponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_sponsorship']; $data['r_numsponsorship'] = $_REQUEST['r_numsponsorship']; } add_record(golf_registrants,$data); $registrantid = mysql_insert_id(); // 1-3 players if ($_REQUEST['r_playeroptions'] == 1) { ?>Please provide your guest information below:

"; $cur = 1; ?>
Guest #:
First Name:
Last Name:
Notes: Include details about other players or teams that you would like to be paired with so that we can match you up.
Please provide your guest information below:

"; $cur = 1; ?>
Guest #:
First Name:
Last Name:
Please provide your guest information below:

"; $cur = 1; ?>
Guest #:
First Name:
Last Name:
Please provide your guest information below:

Foursome #
Guest #:
First Name:
Last Name:
Notes: Include details about other players or teams that you would like to be paired with so that we can match you up.
Please provide your guest information below:

Foursome #
Guest #:
First Name:
Last Name:
Notes: Include details about other players or teams that you would like to be paired with so that we can match you up.
Please complete the form below to register:
required fields are in bold
I am a:
I have these designations: CPP
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Your chapter or organization:
if not a Boston Chapter member
Event Options
Single player (1-3 players) - $130 / player
Total # of players:
Foursomes - $500 / foursome
Foursome w/Hole Sponsorship - $625 / foursome
Total # of foursomes w/sponsorships:
Lesson and Lunch - $60 / person
Lunch Only - $30 / person

Sponsorship Options
Hole Sponsorships - $150 / hole sponsorship
Sponsor Gift Bags - $250
Sponsor Breakfast/Lunch - $250
Sponsor Breakfast - $250
No Sponsorships
Select the number of above sponsorships you would like to purchase
Method of Payment Credit Only
Cancellation policy acceptance:
Enter your initials to confirm that you have read and accept the cancellation policy.